Altrincham & District Angling Club was formed over seventy years ago during the days of the cane rod and early intrepid reels. Much has changed over the years that have followed with the huge development in tackle technology, more pressure on fish stocks, loss of habbitats, and of course, the increased pressure on ourselves. We firmly and honestly believe, that the fishing enjoyed during the formation of this club, can still be had on tranquil, under fished meres, lakes, rivers and ponds controlled by it.
No organisation can exist without willing and dedicated individuals to hold the reins. The committee, between them have a combination of experience and enthusiasm this includes a water management team, a head bailiff and his team of bailiffs for all waters, a strong match committee, all these combined ensure that ADAC is thriving and will continue to do so in the future. keep checking the Club News page for the latest updates, news and information . |